Brainsy Adds “SixFree Calling” to Personal Media Expert Calling Network (ECN) Platform

Latest ECN feature offers timed, FREE phone calls to enable speed networking with ECN experts

Washington, DC, 10/25/2016 9:15:14 PM

 SixFree Calling can be used by membership organizations like trade associations or professional societies to facilitate rapid-fire networking between their members. 

Brainsy, Inc. announced the release of “SixFree Calling"SM - a new feature for experts with a Personal Media Expert Calling Network (ECN) account. A SixFree call is an unpaid 6 minute ECN call that a consumer can request from an expert through the ECN platform. SixFree Calling enables time-limited, speed networking between experts and consumers. However, a consumer can only complete one SixFree call with any particular Expert on an ECN and not all ECNs powered by Brainsy enable SixFree Calling. For those ECNs that do enable SixFree Calling, experts may choose whether or not to enable the feature on their individual ECN Profile.

“SixFree Calling can be used by membership organizations like trade associations or professional societies to facilitate rapid-fire networking between their members,” stated Tom McKeown, Chief Marketing Office of Brainsy. “Experts can also use SixFree calls to frame a topic of interest or to provide a short burst of advice to a consumer in advance of a paid phone call. By using SixFree Calling, both a consumer and an expert can assess whether or not there’s a mutual match for a longer term engagement on or off the ECN platform.”

ECNs are used by membership organizations for member engagement, to generate nondues revenue, to foster mentoring between members, and to assist members with their own promotion and marketing. Each ECN is co-branded with a membership organization and administered independently so existing ECN experts should check with their Network Sponsor to determine the availability of SixFree Calling.

Media Contact:
Maggie Wilson
Tel: 855.742.7246 x 707

About Brainsy, Inc.

Brainsy offers patented Software as a Service (SaaS) to power Expert Calling Networks (ECN®) - online knowledge-sharing networks that showcase authors, mentors, subject matter experts, or advisors. Membership organizations that deploy a co-branded ECN can support members and earn nondues revenue. Participating authors, mentors, advisors, and experts can boost their online profile, earn revenue, and win new clients. Brainsy is backed by successful entrepreneurs-turned-Angels and is a portfolio company of TomorrowVentures, an investment firm co-founded by Eric Schmidt, the Chairman of Alphabet (formerly Google). More information at:

nondues revenue SixFree Calling Associations